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Collar Trufa

Collar Trufa

Regular price $80.000,00 COP
Regular price $80.000,00 COP Sale price $80.000,00 COP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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Nuestros Collares están hechos a mano con arcilla polimérica, un material ligero,  flexible y duradero y con herrajes en acero inoxidable.

Se pueden mojar, sin embargo, si se exponen largas horas al agua y al sol podrían verse afectados los herrajes. 


Our Mucuras are handmade with polymer clay, a light, flexible and durable material and with stainless steel hardware.

Shipping & Returns

Dispatch and shipping will be carried out two days after the order is completed, provided that the product is for immediate delivery.

If the product is made to order, dispatch and shipping will take place seven days after the purchase order is completed.

Care Instructions

You can clean them easily, take a cotton pad and nail remover and gently wipe the surface.

I recommend that you store them in the cloth bag that we send you to prolong their life and do not expose them to the sun for long hours.

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